Este procedimiento se denomina también da Vinci prostatectomía robótica. Se trata de una extirpación quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva de la próstata que abarca los últimos avances en robótica y la tecnología informática.
Es un sistema quirúrgico mínimamente invasivo mejorado por computadora que consta de tres componentes:
- cirujano de la consola
- Al lado del paciente de la compra
- Insite Vision System
The Surgeon Console consists of the master controls the surgeon uses in order to manipulate the Patient-side Cart and the EndoWrist instruments. The surgeon’s hand movements are translated to the EndoWrists through the surgeon console. The instruments only move if the surgeon decides to move them. The robot is not in control of the instruments — the surgeon is.
The Insite Vision System provides a 3-D view of the surgical field – a vast improvement over the 2-D view of laparoscopic surgery. This translates to a much better visual field and better depth perception. The high definition video cameras give a 10X to 15X magnification - a view the surgeon could never get with traditional surgery. This is particularly important in visualization of the prostate capsule, sparing the neurovascular bundles responsible for erectile function and reconnecting the urethra to the bladder.